Posts tagged regenerative gardening
The might of tiny victory gardens
Gift ideas if you’re growing food without a backyard
13 gifts for backyard farmers and gardeners
A beginner's guide to climate victory gardening

A Climate Victory Garden is grounded in the carbon-sucking principles of regenerative agriculture, which uses practices that mimic nature. Regenerative farmers basically allow plants to work their magic, and keep more carbon in the ground, by practicing minimal tilling, planting a mix of crops, keeping roots in the ground year round, and shoveling on lots of organic material. So what does this mean for the backyard gardener? It boils down to this: make soil-building the priority before you plant your garden, and afterwards. So, want to do something, anything, for the planet? Here are a few tips for starting your own Climate Victory Garden.

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Let’s grow some food!

It’s 6:30 a.m. and the sun has been up for a little less than an hour. I roll out of bed and quickly guzzle a cup of coffee. Then I slip on my moss-green muck boots, tattered from many battles with blackberry brambles, and take the well-worn path through the woods to the farm.

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